Land Acknowledgment
As outdoor educators and caretakers of the natural world, we prioritize supporting and upholding the Indigenous communities that protect, live on, and sustain our earth. We would like to acknowledge and show gratitude for the Native cultures that we have and will continue to learn from. We emphasize the value of this land's abundant culture and meaningful history through our teachings. We aim to do all that we can to help heal connections to our earth and each other by taking steps in support of rightfully returning land and resources to those indigenous to it. Please join us in learning about Connecticut's Native American history and supporting our local Indigenous communities. Efforts of colonization are ongoing and present within our communities. Educating ourselves is the first step to taking action and supporting those whose native land we stand on. Learn more with the links below!
Click here to learn whose Indigenous land you are on.
Click here to learn about some of Connecticut's many Native American historical figures.
Please support our indigenous neighbors in their work toward preserving and celebrating their heritage by making a donation to one of their organizations. Here is a list of suggestions:
Mashantucket Pequot Museum and Research Center – Visit Us Today
The Institute for American Indian Studies Museum & Research Center | (
Native American Museum in Uncasville CT | The Mohegan Tribe
Click here to support and learn more about how this organization advocates to protect, preserve, and reconnect Indigenous communities to their ancestral land.